Morganza to the Gulf

FY 2025 STATUS Construction

Type Structural Risk Reduction

Funding Source(s) State, Federal

Estimated Cost $6.6 billion

Spanning across Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes, the Morganza to the Gulf (MTG) Hurricane Protection System represents decades of collaboration and persistence to build strong, innovative protection measures for two of

Louisiana's most vulnerable and economically important regions. In totality, MTG will consist of a 98-mile interconnected system of earthen levees, 22 floodgates, 23 environmental water control structures, road/railroad gates, a lock complex in the Houma Navigation Canal, and fronting protection for existing pump stations along navigable waterways.

Once complete, MTG will provide 100-year flood level risk reduction, effectively protecting the region from a storm surge that has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. The project will safeguard approximately 200,000 residents, nearly 2,000 square miles of land, and valuable infrastructure, including a dense concentration of energy infrastructure.

A groundbreaking ceremony held in December 2022 for the Humble Canal Floodgate marked the start of one of the most ambitious structural protection projects in Louisiana historyand the first federal project within the extensive MTG Hurricane Protection System.

In 2023, CPRA completed site preparation and laying of its pre-load foundation at the future site of the Humble Canal Floodgate. Construction on the floodgate is anticipated to begin as early as 2026. The floodgate will feature technology that will take only minutes to swing into place and will replace an older, much slower floodgate built in the 1990s.

Other MTG projects receiving a total of $378 million in New Start construction funding in 2021 for design and construction included Reach A (portion), Lockport to Larose Reach (portion), Minors Canal Floodgate, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) West Floodgate, and the GIWW East Floodgate. CPRA is continuing to work with local levee districts to maximize state and local funding for design and construction of levees and other flood protection measures.

Another major feature of the MTG system is the Houma Navigation Canal (HNC). Phase 1 of the project, which involved dredging over 1 million cubic yards of material to prepare the area for the floodgate and create over 150 acres of marsh, was complete in 2022. Phase 2 construction of the floodgate is expected to begin in early 2024.
