Upper Barataria Risk Reduction

FY 2026 STATUS Construction

Funding Source(s) FederalState

Estimated Cost $1.6 Billion

The Upper Barataria Risk Reduction Project is a significant endeavor by CPRA to safeguard coastal communities in Southeast Louisiana. This ambitious project aims to construct a series of levees, floodgates, and other infrastructure to reduce the risk of flooding and storm surge damage.

CPRA's long-term vision for the Upper Barataria Risk Reduction Project is to create a comprehensive system of coastal protection that extends from the West Bank Hurricane Protection System at Davis Pond to the Morganza to the Gulf levee system. By connecting these vital infrastructure elements, CPRA aims to achieve a continuous line of protection and significantly reduce the risk of flooding and storm surge damage to coastal communities.

While significant progress has been made on the Sunset Levee, additional funding is still being secured to fully implement the entire project. CPRA remains committed to securing the necessary resources to complete this critical infrastructure. Other significant features of this system include the proposed Des Allemands floodgate, Reach H interim levee reach, and the frontal protection for the Cousins Pump Station. Significant engineering and design work is on going with CPRA and the Lafourche Basin Levee District.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently designing Reach G east, another key component of the project. This ongoing design work will further enhance the overall protection the Upper Barataria Risk Reduction Project provides
