FY 2026 STATUS Construction
Funding Source(s) State, Federal
Estimated Cost $3.4 Billion
The West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection System (WSLP)currently under construction along the east bank of the Mississippi River spanning St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James parishes and aims to provide 100-year level storm surge risk reduction for 60,000 residents from LaPlace to Garyville. The parish governments, CPRA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Pontchartrain Levee District (PLD) are coordinating the project, which features18.5 miles in length of earthen levees, floodwalls, and pumps, divided into segments along the levee alignment. Construction began in late 2022 and continues to progress towards completion. Contracts awarded by the USACE in 2024 will provide for the construction of two levee reaches WSLP-103 on the eastern side of the system adjacent to Highway 51 and WSLP-109 on the western side of the system near Garyville, andWSLP-114a for construction of drainage structures at Hope Canal and Prescott Canal. Construction activities in some areas can be seen from I-10 in St. John the Baptist Parish. Additionally, efforts are being made to design the project’s western end in alignment with the State’s River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp project. This mitigation feature will restore and increase the ecosystem’s resiliency around the WSLP project. The inclusion of the Maurepas Swamp Diversion project as a component of West Shore is one of the best examples of the integration of protection and restoration features in coastal Louisiana. While construction of the WSLP project is anticipated to be complete in 2028,contracts completed to date include the first levee reach (WSLP 110), test sections, clay stockpiles, sand stockpiles, sand placement, and access road construction.